Recently I have been getting my smoothie on since I have my beloved carbs back to an all time high! I have an abundance of chocolate flavored protein powder that I wanted to start using in my shakes so I decided to come up with a delicious, yet healthy chocolate smoothie. I wanted to keep this smoothie lower in carbs and fat so using normal ingredients such as bananas, oats, avocados, and peanut butter was not an option.
After searching the internet for the best chocolate smoothie recipe I found some that looked like they might meet up to my expectation. After switching out ingredients and adding some myself, I FINALLY found the rich, creamy, and sweet smoothie I had been craving. This hits the spot for me so I hope you enjoy it too!
Macros: Calories 395 57C |44P | 5F
I prefer to use frozen fruit simply because I like the texture better. That is why I also add in ice if the consistency isn’t what I like. I know that mangos, blueberries, greens, and chocolate sound like an unusual combination but I swear this smoothie is awesome! It is perfect for a busy morning, and quick mid- meal snack on the go, or a perfect post workout meal! Enjoy friends.