Hey Guys! Well I am done with my first 3 weeks of prep and about to start my fourth! I can not believe that I am already almost a month into my prep! Time really flies by when you are prepping! Between work, working out, and prepping I feel like my summer is escaping! Unfortunately Summer always ends up feeling super short to me. Luckily I am going on vacation to NC with my best friend this weekend! I plan on soaking up the sun, getting in some awesome HITT workouts, and making new memories! Most importantly, I really need to utilize this time to refocus, relax, and channel some energy to complete the remaining 6 1/2 weeks once I am back!
Last Weeks Prep Life
Last week was a little strange for me. Through the first four days I was really wondering if my counts were too high because I was not dropping weight from the previous week. Then that Friday, when I decided to make a more drastic change to my macros, I woke up weighting less. I decided that I need to stop being impatient and just stick to my count regardless of what the scale says. Overall I believe that my weight fluctuation was just water retention and too much salt. Thankfully it all worked out by the end of the week and I hit my new low weight of 121.6! That means that I dropped a pound in the last week! PERFECT!